Archive for April, 2013

Congratualtions to the Halifax Fire Fighter Combat Challenge Team!

The Halifax Fire Fighter Combat Challenge Team recently competed in the Fire Fighter Combat World Challenge and they sent us some great news! Here’s what they had to say:

We have just returned from The Scott Fire Fighter World Challenge XXII, held in Las Vegas Nevada. We had a very busy week and took every opportunity to showcase our skills. We had some great success at the challenge this week.  Our team mate Cyril Fraser won his division, the over 55 category,  with a blazing time of 1.49.96.  He also set a new World Record in his division with this time as well.  He also won gold with his over 50 relay team “Canadian Old Farts over 50”.  I guess when you’re that fast at that age, you can call your team whatever you want, haha.

We have definitely had some obstacles thrown at us this season, and have returned from the World Challenge with a renewed love for the sport and a burning desire to be back on the top!

We love Pro Tech 8 gloves, and the competitive edge that they allow us to have during this, the toughest 2 minutes in sports.   On behalf of myself and my team mates, we again thank you for all that you do for us, and have included some photos from our recent endeavor at World Challenge XXII, Las Vegas Nevada.

Jeff Clarke
On Behalf of the 2013 Halifax Fire Fighter Combat Challenge Team

Congratulations guys! You’ve earned it!!!

Pro Tech 1

Pro Tech 5

Apr-19-13 a las 2:52 pm Uncategorized. Sin Comentarios
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